Xtend Compiler

A Gradle plugin for compiling Xtend source code.

Getting Started

Apply the latest org.xtext.xtend plugin. Then add the Xtend library.

plugins {
  id "org.xtext.xtend" version "4.0.0"


dependencies {
  compile 'org.eclipse.xtend:org.eclipse.xtend.lib:2.30.0'



The Xtend plugin comes with good default settings that will suit most projets. But you can customize every aspect:

xtend {
  generator {
    //whether to generate @SuppressWarnings("all"), enabled by default
    suppressWarningsAnnotation = false
    //whether to generate the @Generated annotation, disabled by default
    generatedAnnotation {
      active = true
      comment = "Copyright My Cool Company"
      includeDate = true
  debugger {
    //how to install debug info into generated Java code
    //SMAP adds Xtend debug info on top of Java
    //PRIMARY makes Xtend the only debug info (throws away Java line numbers)
    //default is SMAP
    sourceInstaller = 'SMAP' //or 'PRIMARY' or 'NONE'
    //whether to hide synthetic variables in the debugger
    hideSyntheticVariables = true
  validator {
    //adjust severity of issues
    //available levels are error, warning, info and ignore
    error 'org.eclipse.xtend.core.validation.IssueCodes.unused_private_member'
    // These issue IDs can be found in your Eclipse project's .settings/org.eclipse.xtend.core.Xtend.prefs
    // after enabling Project > Properties > Xtend > Errors/Warnings: [X] Enable project specific settings

The output folder can be configured for each sourceSet. By default it will be build/xtend/<sourceSet.name>.

sourceSets {
  main.xtend.outputDir = 'xtend-gen'
  test.xtend.outputDir = 'test/xtend-gen'